01 BMW M3 GTR ‘Most Wanted’
Become the ultimate notorious racer in Night City. Most Wanted’s 2001 BMW M3 GTR add-on vehicle, no replacement required (+custom livery template for those who want to make liveries).
This is my 10th attempt at car modding in Cyberpunk 2077, why i still copy paste this:
– Livery is a separate .archive, for those who wants to recolor or want to make custom liveries
– Almost 1:1 recreation handling from NFS MW (2005), yeah you will be guaranteed to never spin out in this car, and do crazy corner at 150+ mph just like in that game 😀
Note for Livery creators:
– Only upload the “ctrlsec_M3_GTR_Livery.archive” if you want to make one, yes you have my full permission to do anything ONLY with that “ctrlsec_M3_GTR_Livery.archive” file
Console commands
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle(‘Vehicle.m3_gtr_mostwanted_purchasable’, true)
Installation: “\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod”
Material and Texture Override
Vehicle Manufacturers Resource
Virtual Car Dealer