Arasaka Black Ops Armor
Vanilla clothing mashup for Female V. Now you too can look like a corporate killing machine. Requires Aanderz’s Araska Cyberarms and Cyber Engine Tweeks. Use with any vanilla Netrunner suit for intended look.
Item Codes for adding through Console. Requires Cyber Engine Tweaks:
Helmet (Replaces Hijab)Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Scarf_03_basic_01”,1)
Oni Helmet (Replaces Samurai Helmet) Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Helmet_04_rich_01”,1)
Mags Pads and Collar (Replaces Wraith Bolero Jacket) Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Jacket_10_old_01”,1)
Mags and Collar (Replaces Aldecaldo Bolero Jacket) Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Q114_Aldecaldo_Jacket”, 1)
Harness and Mags (Replaces Utility Pants) Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Pants_09_basic_01”, 1)
Visor Headset and Cyberware (Replaces Corpo Glasses) Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Corporate_01_Set_Glasses”, 1)
Cyberware Plus Balaclava (Replaces Titanium-Reinforced Gas Mask) Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Mask_02_basic_01”,1)
Headset Balaclava and Cyberware (Replaces Infovisor) Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Visor_01_basic_01”, 1)
Boots Kneepads and Holster (Replace Steel Toe Rocker Boots) Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Boots_04_basic_01”, 1)
Optional File (Replaces Spiked Jacket instead of Bolero) Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Jacket_08_old_01”, 1)
This has minor first person clipping issues but it is not very noticeable in my opinion. This is simply for if you do not want to replace the Bolero Jacket as a lot of other mods use this mesh.
This mod is made possible through the works of multiple modders. gunnarr810, VigoorianFlail, ArsenicTouch, Halvkyrie, and arj41 all deserve credit for their amazing work that is utilized in this mod.