Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |


Adds extra button functionality and tweaks for greater gamepad control
Quicksave / Dodge Press / CrouchToggle Hold / Inventory / Journal / Char / Weapon Wheel / Misc.




  1. Dodge = B (altered – was double tap B)
  2. CrouchToggle = B [HOLD] (altered – was press B)


  1. Journal Menu = XBOX GUIDE (new)
  2. Inventory Menu = XBOX GUIDE [HOLD] (new)
  3. Char Menu = BACK SELECT (new)
  4. Pause Menu = BACK SELECT [HOLD] (altered – was press)


  1. Apply = Y (altered – was A)
  2. Next/Prev Item = LEFT/RIGHT TRIGGER (altered – was left/right DPad)


  1. Quicksave = RightStick [LONG-HOLD] (new)
  2. Start Screen A to Continue (altered – was B)

GPP OPTIONAL v1b – *only for Gamepads with rear remappable paddles/buttons
(same as above unless stated)


  1. Dodge = BACKSELECT (needs to be mapped to rear paddle/button)
  2. CrouchToggle = B


  1. Char Menu = BACK SELECT [HOLD]

Potential Future updates:

  1. Scan Toggle option
  2. The use of Left/Right Triggers to move between sub menus (Based on the xml files the lack of this may be a bug with the game as there seems to be code setup for this already)
  3. A version for people with extra buttons/paddles so as to separate CrouchToggle and Dodge completely so both can be presses [DONE – SEE ABOVE FOR DETAILS]
  4. Requests/Ideas? feel free to post them in the comments. No promises.


  1. Open Cyberpunk2077.exe (your install path/Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64) with HxD ///MAKE A BACKUP OF THE .EXE FIRST///
  2. Find 8B 44 24 54 85 C0 75 26 and replace it (Paste Insert) with 36 8B 07 90 85 C0 75 26 (Ctrl+F or Search/Find in toolbar). Use Hex Values tab to search. Save.exe.
  3. Copy inputUserMappings.xml and InputContexts.xml from GPPvX to your install path/Cyberpunk 2077/r6/config //MAKE A BACKUP OF THE .XML FILES FIRST///
  4. In Windows untick “Open the Game bar using this button on a Controller” in Settings/Gaming/Game bar
  5. Install and/or Open (depending on whether you got the portable version or not) Antimicro (as Admin) and untick “Key Repeat” in Options/Settings
  6. Load GPPvX CP2077.gamecontroller in Antimicro (run as admin). Head to Night City.

note 1: Antimicro will need to be running (as Admin) whenever you play.
note 2: Hopefully CDPR will fix the lack of mixed input rendering steps 1 and 2 just temporary


  1. Make sure Antimicro is running as Admin.
  2. Make sure “Open the Game bar using this button on a Controller” is unticked.
  3. Make sure you are using GPP’s XML files.
  4. Try re-enabling “Key Repeat” in Antimicro.
  5. Make sure you followed all the steps, esp. steps 1 and 2, correctly.
  6. Make sure Antimicro is on ‘Set 1’ (it is by default and there’s no reason it should change)
  7. Try uninstalling Microsoft Xbox 360 Accessories from add/remove in control panel. It will get rid of the battery indicator pop up which can cause functionality problems. The gamepad will still work fine.


Tip: I’d try and get CrouchToggle Hold time as short as you feel comfortable with so you don’t accidentally crouch when dodging. Current setting is quite conservative but useable

Author: Bandu
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 GAMEPAD PLUS mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

Useful Information: How to install Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | How to Create Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date | Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements | About Cyberpunk 2077 Game | Cyberpunk 2077 News

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