Johnny Silverhand Animations for FemaleV and Generic Female NPC’s
So Vitium from AMM was teaching me poses and I found a bunch of random Johnny Silverhand animations compatible with female_average. Converted them to PhotoMode animations so your fV can feel like just a rockergirl.
Animation packs compatible with NPCs that use female_average so they can rockergirl all night and party everyday as well. If your fave isn’t female_average, there are mods to convert them.
You need Appearance Menu Mod to get the best use out of this mod.
FemaleV PhotoMode Animations:
You need an existing custom pose pack for female V to make these animations appear.
Use only one archive at a time. Seriously. Please.
Best used with Knuckle Sandwich but will show up with a few others if you have specific weapons equipped.
Female V only (duh.)
NPC female_average PhotoMode Animations:
Crouch is enabled, which means that there are two animations per archive for the female_average NPC. Hit the crouch button and your NPC will switch to the secondary animation.
This works on spawned V, but V will hover instead of doing her sultry walk. (Works only with latest version of Appearance Menu Mod)
A regular female_average designated NPC will not.
Please use one archive at a time.
\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
\GOGLibrary\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
Epic Games:
\EpicLibrary\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod