StreetStyle – Immersive Fashion System

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StreetStyle – Immersive Fashion System

StreetStyle adds depth to clothing by making your stylistic fashion choices directly interact with gameplay in meaningful ways.


StreetStyle is a Cyberpunk 2077 mod that makes your personal stylistic fashion choices have an effect on gameplay.

For every piece of equipment in the game, the mod introduces an own Strength, Reflexes, Technical, Intelligence and Cool value, each between 1 and 5 depending on what kind of clothing it is.
These stats affect skill checks in both dialouges and device interactions.

For example, if you wear Netrunning Equipment, which has quite high Intelligence values, it will boost your Intelligence Stat in dialogue options and device interactions that require a certain level of skill in that field.
On the other hand, it will not boost your Strength and Reflexes stats by a lot since Netrunning equipment is not designed for direct combat – this is something a heavy Arasaka Chestplate would be a lot better at.

StreetStyle also introduces a completely new Styles System into the game: Every piece of equipment also has been assigned one of the four Styles of Night City: Entropism, Kitsch, Neomilitarism, Neokitsch.
The combination of said styles also has an effect on gameplay: If you wear many items of the same style, you will also recieve a considerable buff in skill check stats. StreetStyle 1.4 also adds other skill-specific buffs.
This gives an incentive to dress up in a more consistent style, which is somthing the base game does not do at all.

The mod also increases the difficulty of skill checks a bit so they won’t all be super easy due to the buffs.

Stat Boost Formula

As already mentioned, StreetStyle assigns 5 custom stat values and 1 style to every equipment item in the game.

When you enter a skill check, the mod takes the relevant attribute value of every item you wear and divides it by 7, the number of equipment slots. If a slot is empty, it uses the default value 2 instead.
For example, having clothing with Technical values 4, 2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 3 will add a buff of 21/7 = +3 Technical to your base attribute stat in the skill check.
There is one exception: Not wearing an outfit won’t impact your stats. If this slot is empty, it will simply be excluded from the calculation. This is due to the fact that outfits are rather rare, prevent many other clothes from being seen, so wearing those is completely optional.

Added to that gets the Style Buff, a value between 0 and 5, that is calculated as follows:
For every item of the same style in your inventory beginning with the third one, having equipped another item of that style will give you an additional, univeral constistency point that get’s added to the value calculated based on the individual item stats.
E. g., wearing 6 out of 7 possible items with the style Neomilitarism will reward you with an additional buff of 6-2 = 4 for every skill check in the game – no matter what exactly the relevant skill is.

Additional Gameplay Buffs

With StreetStyle 1.4, an additional buff system is introduced that adds skill-specific gameplay buffs apart from skill checks.
If you have 3 or more StreetStyle points in a certain skill, another buff is being added to that, depending on what skill it is and if you have 3, 4 or 5 buff points:
– Strength adds an additional armor multiplier (+5%, +15%, +25%)
– Reflexes increases the duration of Kerenzikov (+20%, +100%, +200%)
– Technical reduces the number of components needed for crafting (-5%, -15%, -30%)
– Intelligence gives you additional quickhacking RAM (+1, +3, +6)
– Cool decreases the amount of money needed for convo payment checks and car purchases (-5%, -10%, -20%)
Your current StreetStyle buffs can be seen in the stats panel under the ‘Other’ category.

Mimicry System

From StreetStyle 1.5 on, the mod also categorizes all of the over 400 clothing associated with one of the games factions (Arasaka, Maelstrom, NCPD etc.) as such.
When being all, or close to all, dressed up in a factions clothes, enemies from that faction will have a much, much harder time noticing that you are an intruder, while cameras cannot detect you at all.
This feature opens up lots of possibilitys to play missions not only nonlethally but also straight up nonaggressively by fooling enemys into thinking you’re one of them.
Note that if enemys spot you sneaking or sprinting around, or otherwise acting suspiciously, your disguise won’t help you, so you can’t use regular stealth and Mimicry at the same time – you will naturally have to decide for one.
Another thing: Since outfits in the special slot block visibility on underlying equipment, you don’t have to wear Torso, Leg, or Feet items for Mimicry to work as long as you have got a special outfit equipped. This finally gives the special slot a useful gameplay purpose and makes outfits very much worth collecting, same as other clothing associated with factions: Such a disguise might prove to be very helpful when you have to infiltrate said factions territory next time!
A gameplay demo showcasing Mimicry is included in the StreetStyle Feature Deep Dive.
As of 1.5.2, this feature has to be manually enabled since it did still cause crashes for some users.


– If you want to adjust any settings, have a look into the StreetStyle/config.reds file
– You don’t have to worry about problems with your base skill values in case you should want to continue playing without the mod: No base game stats are being modified, so uninstallation will not cause any problems.
– If you should see an item marked as unregistered or a possible mistake I made while assigning values and styles to an item, feel free to tell me
– If you don’t play in English, you can easily configure the localization options in the StreetStyle/localizations.reds file (or look for an existing one from the Nexus)
– You are allowed to upload the localizations.reds file to the Nexus and mark it as a translation of this mod, if one doesn’t exist yet in your language
– StreetStyle now has its own addon system, meaning clothing modders can make their own items have StreetStyle stats (see r6/scripts/StreetStyle/addons/SSA_ExampleMod.reds)
– There is no actual incompatibility with Lifepath Bonuses and Gang-Corp Traits, this warning can be ignored
– If you like this mod, please consider endorsing, sharing or voting for it, so it can reach more people.


This mod requires:
– redscript (0.5+)

The mod replaces the following functions:
– Build_ScriptConditionType.Evaluate()
– CaptionImageIconsLogicController.SetSkillCheck()
– GameplaySkillCondition.Evaluate()
– interactionItemLogicController.SetData()
– ItemTooltipCommonController.UpdateLayout()
– StatsMainGameController.OnCategoryClicked()
– SenseComponent.RefreshCombatDetectionMultiplier()
– SensorDevice.DetectionRiseEvent()

Note: This mod also wraps some other functions, but this causing incompatibility is rather rare.

Following mods are incompatible:
– Clear Skill Checks by rmk1234 (StreetStyle includes the same feature)
– Convo Skill Check Scaling by rmk1234 (StreetStyle has a similar feature)
– If you know any more mods that might be incompatible, tell me so I can add them here and maybe even make a compatibility patch.

Thanks a lot to the following people for helping me solve problems I encountered while writing this mod:
– jekky
– psiberx
– rmk1234
– djkovrik

Finishing this mod would not been possible without your help!

Author: TilW
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 StreetStyle – Immersive Fashion System mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

Useful Information: How to install Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | How to Create Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date | Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements | About Cyberpunk 2077 Game | Cyberpunk 2077 News

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