Restore Clothing Slots
Restores the amount of clothing slots from before patch 1.5.
Important Notes and Installation Instructions
To install, drag and drop the bin folder into your Cyberpunk 2077 directory.
To uninstall, remove Restore Clothing Slots from Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods and Cyberpunk 2077/r6/scripts
What the mod does
Patch 1.5 reduced the amount of clothing slots to just 1 or 2 per item. This mod restores those slots.
Except for the 4th slot on inner torso and outer torso items, looks like those are gone.
Nothing else about the way clothing mods work has been changed, the intrinsic, hidden mods will still spawn, clothing mods are still assigned to certain clothing pieces, etc. But now you have more slots to use.