Netwatch Cyberware
NOW WORKS WITH FemV. Netwatch agent’s cyberware on his neck, replacing the square glasses for male V.
Dedicate your waking hours protecting Night City from the Big Bad AI (or at least let people believe that’s what you do).
Now works with female V.
Just drag the folder into your Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder. It should automatically extract the file to “…\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch”
Wear a pair of square glasses, e.g. Game.AddToInventory(‘Items.Glasses_02_basic_01’,1) in the console menu.
This is a simple file-swapping job; I’m not a pro. Technically it should not cause any issues at all except for some minor clipping when you look up-close:
- Clips with beard hair, and big ears. Use ear #9 to minimize clipping. Ear #9 will only clip at the bottom.
- Clips with hair with medium-volume e.g. Peralez slickback, and bun-tied long hair. Either use hair with very thin sides and back or with big volume so it doesn’t show at all.
- Clips with the Adam’s apple and some small patches at the neck for male V. Maybe a smaller jawline will eliminate this issue.
- Since I am a noob who learned this literally yesterday and don’t know jack about proper 3D work, unfortunately I cannot provide much technical support (outside of the usual issues with installation).
Delete basegame_Netwatch_cyberware.archive from “…\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch”.
Takemura’s cyberware, but I have to figure out how to make the neck and parts of the body invisible first. I already have his shirt.