Sell Stolen Car Mod
With this mod you can sell your stolen cars to a garage.
You can sell your stolen cars to a garage in the badlands.
See the screenshots for the position of dakota’s garage.
Drive the car inside the garage and then choose yes to sell it.
Use the left garage where you can drive in fully until car stops.
Leave car to get the money.
This is an early WIP errors can occur!
Atm you will get 5,000 €$ for each car.
Future Plans:
– I would like to adjust the prices to the respective car class
– More garages where you can sell the stolen cars
– Repair your car at the garage
– Change painting or appearance of your car
– Get stolen Car to your owned cars
– Localization to most languages
First Install and configure Cyber Engine Tweaks: Cyber Engine Tweaks (Use the latest version !!)
Then extract this mod to game directory (Cyperpunk 2077) or copy the folder SellCarMod to Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods
Ingame: Open Cyber Engine Console -> Hotkeys -> Bind keys YES and NO to keys you want (I used Numpad 1 and 2) -> HIT SAVE