All Stash Wall Iconic Weapons
Make save backup before use!
Simple mod give You all weapons for wall V apartament
How to use script for all weapons on wall:
install this mod: https://www.cyberpunk2077mod.com/cyber-engine-tweaks/
Unpacked file iconic.lua and copy to game folder path
Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\scripts
Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods
if you don’t have mods folder just create
“Placing any .lua file in the base Cyberpunk 2077 install directory seems to work for Steam users”.
in game console type:
Some weapons have quest mark like sikppy, crash etc. and can’t be move to stash
For change quest mark only this guns use save editor to find in inventory after use script for all iconic weapons
Items.Preset_Overture_River – Crash
Items.Preset_Silverhand_3516 – Malorian Arms 3156
Items.mq007_skippy – Skippy
Change field u8 (hex) to 00 in all weapons like on screen. Save file in save editor.
Now You can move this weapons to stach
If you haven’t done the quests and you don’t have these weapons, they’ll just double after doing the quest
and is done!