Alt Cyberarms Library with accessories

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Alt Cyberarms Library with accessories

This mod aims to bring more customisation options for your Femme V cyberarms by replacing gorilla arms with alt’s cyberarm (Right arm) in many new variations, plus optional accessories, left arm replacers, and the option to remove the left arm knuckles and the weapon grip cyberware 3d model.

If you are going to use more than one archive file at once, I would suggest not renaming them, since currently they are named so the right files load first. This will be especially important for the hardcoded skin colour patches (that will be added in the future).

By default, Gorilla arms have 1 “Arm” part and 1 “Cyberware” part for each hand. “Arm” is the entire arm and “Cyberware” is the knuckle part
This is what the default load order will be like (It’s alphabetical) and what each item type replaces:

Alt_Accessory – Left cyberware part
Alt_Accessory_Remove – Disables the specified item being rendered (but still replaces the model file)
Alt_Arm – Arm part (Usually left, will be stated in archive name)
Alt_Hand – The right arm + right cyberware parts

To-Do list (in no particular order)

Kitsch left arm without spikes
Kitsch left arm variants
Hardcoded skintone patches for Alt right “Arm” part.

More variants and more accessories will be added with time.

alphaZomega – for his support and various tools and tutorials, such as the noesis plugin for viewing, exporting etc cyberpunk models, his 010 editor template for viewing and editing the data of pretty much all kinds of cyberpunk files, and much more.

SilverEzredes – for lots of research and knowledge about the game and 3d modeling, rigging +++ and teaching me a lot about what can be done and how to do it

Crazy Potato – for teaching me lots about 3d modelling and editing, helping test things, tutorials about materials, being a good teacher for me and many others

иᶦო (nim) – for getting me into modding in the first place, always having something to say when there’s blanks in my knowledge, and teaching me a bit of everything, giving me thoughts and ideas on how to solve issues i face.

Rosza6193 – for giving me lots of ideas for this collection, and helping me get started on it.

Pantariste – for teaching me lots about model changing, and changing the appearance of what parts i want on a model

The Cyberpunk 2077 Modding discord – for being a great place to learn, share knowledge and findings, and get reflections on your work, and being an overall great resource for knowledge and knowledgeable people.

There are many more reasons to thank these people (and more people to thank, for both big and small things), but if i were to write down all of them this mod description would never get finished. I love yall.

If you’ve got any suggestions for variants of the hands, or hand accessories you’ve seen in the game that you want as an accessory option, feel free to tell me! Keep in mind that i might not be able to do all of the suggestions due to limitations in the game, or just being short on time, etc.

To install:
Go to your game install folder, navigate to \Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch\ and paste the .archive file.

Default game location for steam is C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\

Feel free to use the resources for your own works, but please give credit if sharing it anywhere.

Author: Halvkyrie
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Alt Cyberarms Library with accessories mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

Useful Information: How to install Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | How to Create Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date | Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements | About Cyberpunk 2077 Game | Cyberpunk 2077 News

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