Alternate Crowd Behavior
Alters how crowds are generated and how they move to try and make them look a little less idiotic.
Simple INI file changes that change how the NPC’s walking around act and react to each other.
Primary changes are in relation to how they pass each other, greatly reducing the semi-circle walkaround behavior of the original which causes the crowds to significantly spread out.
Changes List :
Increased forward obstacle detection distance
Decreased safe space around each NPC to allow them to get closer to each other
Reduced turning rate when adjusting path to avoid others
Reduced likelyhood of stopping when running into another NPC
Increased distance at which NPCs can wait for lights
Increased check distance for J-Walking
Increased distance to avoid player
Increased path planning distance
Reduce the likelyhood of NPC’s disappearing when out of view
Increased time before despawn
Increased maximum allowed NPC’s
Removed view-only spawning restriction
Removed speed based spawn blocking for crowds
Removed teleportation of NPCs to new locations
How to install : Create a file called user.ini in Cyberpunk2077\engine\config\platform\pc and paste the below into it
[Crowd] AppropriateMinDistToPlayer = 200.000000 AppropriateMinLastSeenTime = 120.000000 BaseParkedCarProbability = 100.000000 DespawnLastSeenMinTime = 120.000000 Enabled = true EnablePedestrians = true EnableVehicles = true MinStreamingVelocityNormalizedToBlockSpawn = 99998.000000 false PassengerProbabilityModifierOnConsoles = 100.000000 PassengerProbabilityModifier = 100.000000 SpawnLimit = 69999 UseFrustum = false ZCutoff = 220 ZCutoffEnabled = true [Crowds] BufferForAllowedDrivingOffRoadPercentOfCarWidth = 0.800000 BufferForAllowedDrivingOnPavementPercentOfPavementSide = 0.500000 CheckOnLaneUseLookup = true EnterWorkspotDelay = 3.000000 ExponentDrivingOnPavement = 2.000000 MaxSpeedDrivingOnPavement = 40.000000 MinimumSpeedForKnockdownByCar = 2.000000 PlayerKnockDownByCarTolerance = 0.200000 [Debug/ImGui/Population] BackgroundTeleportsEnabled = false RenderAttachDebug = false RenderEntities = false RenderLastSeenTime = false RenderStatsDebug = false VehicleTeleportsEnabled = false ZeroWastePolicyCooldown = 0.000000 [CrowdMovement] AheadAngleMax = 45.000000 AheadAngleMin = 1.000000 AheadDistanceMax = 25.000000 AheadDistanceMin = 1.000000 AngularSpeedFactor = 2.000000 BlockingObstaclesDetectionDistance = 40.000000 BorderRepulsionSpeed = 3.000000 CAPlayerDistanceThresholdBack = 30.000000 CAPlayerDistanceThresholdFront = 30.000000 ClosestObstacleToStayInPlace = 0.500000 ComfortZoneRadiusFactor = 0.740000 DebugSlotID = 0 DebugSoftAdherenceOverride = false DesiredForwardLookupDistance = 5.00000 DestinationDistance = 50.000000 DilatationClamp = -1.000000 DilatationLimit = -1.000000 DirectionSmoothingAngleTolerance = 45.000000 DistanceToStopBuffer = 0.750000 EnableDirectionPostProcess = true EnableDirectionSmoothing = true EntryPathPositionSearchDistance = 30.000000 EntryPathPositionSearchStep = 0.200000 FearSpreadRadius = 140.000000 FenceGapRepulsors = false FixedTimeStep = -1.000000 ForceStopColliders = true ForceStopRepulsors = false FrontViewAngle = 40.000000 GlobalDisableLOD = false InjectedCollidersZTolerance = 2.500000 LaneLightsRecognitionDistance = 25.000000 MarbleDirectionLookUp = 6 MarblePathDisplayMaxPoints = 15 MaxChancesToUseZebra = 16 MaxDirectionChangeAttempts = 5 MaxInterpAngle = 179.000000 MaxLaneCheckToJoinTraffic = 15 MaxResumeMoveAttempts = 15 NarrowGapRepulsors = false NearEndDistance = 2.000000 NoGameplayNoUpdate = false NoSpeedUpTime = true NPCObstaclesMass = 0.950000 NPCSeparationSpeed = 2.000000 ObstacleMarbleRadiusMultiplier = 1.400000 OppositePathToleranceInDeg = 20.000000 OverlapTolerance = 0.300000 PassingPoseStopAnimationTolerance = 0.800000 PathConvergenceSpeed = 3.000000 PathRefreshPlayerRadiusLimit = 20.000000 PlanLimitDistanceToReplan = 5.000000 PlayerObstaclesMass = 1.500000 PostProcessPositionCorrectionSpeed = 3.000000 RotationSpeedFactor = 3.000000 SeparationSpeedFactor = 0.050000 SeparationSpringTime = 1.000000 SharpAngle = 50.000000 SingleThread = false SlopeSamples = 10 SpeedCompensationFactor = 0.300000 TrafficLightRelevantDistance = 46.000000 VehicleObstaclesMass = 2.050000