Appearance Menu Mod
Spawn NPCs as followers or foes, spawn military vehicles and change NPC and vehicle appearances using the Cycle Appearance button or select from a list of presets when available.
Now you can change the NPC’s outfits whenever you want to take THAT specific shot!
Appearance Menu Mod lets you change and save the main NPC’s clothes by picking presets from a list. It also includes a Cycle Appearance button that lets you change the appearance of any NPC randomly. With version 1.5.5 you can now spawn NPC companions and military vehicles, as well as select appearances for all player vehicles and many of the random vehicles as well. Not only that, but you now have the ability to makes your companions hostile, so you can spawn your own boss fights whenever you like!
Update Notes
Version 1.6.3
For this release we have included a Named Favourites system which allows you to give your saved favourite companions names. Simply enter a unique name when adding NPCs to favourites, and you can add multiple instances of the same NPC. Why choose between your two favourite Dolls when now you can spawn both!
We have also included a new Theme Editor which will allow users to create and share their own custom-designed themes.
For the more adventurous users we have added a new experimental Model Swap feature (that tends to cause crashes) allowing you to substitute certain NPCs for Joytoys that have “extended scenes”. Now you can invite Judy to the JigJig Street motel or the Dark Matter hotel room, for science.
We have redesigned the database (again), removing all user saved settings allowing us to include a full database with each release. This removes the need to build the database for each upgrade and clean install, which we are confident most users will appreciate.
We have also included additional spawnable NPC companions and holographic non-companions, and have replaced some of the non-combat NPCs with combat versions where available. Now Rita Wheeler fights with a baseball bat!
Finally we have updated the GUI to support CET 1.11.1
Version 1.6.2
For this release we have added Themes! Are you tired of staring at the same colors when spawning NPCs and selecting appearances? Try the new themes options! We have added 5 new themes in addition to the default, with many more to come. Feel free to make a copy of Themes\Default.lua theme file and make your own!
We have also added almost 100 new NPCs to spawn as companions, as well as added thousands of new appearance combinations. Thanks again database!
Finally, we have made some changes to the current database and how user settings are stored to prepare for upcoming database changes, and added a “Clear All Favorites” for deleting your favourites list.
While this is a minor release, we hope you enjoy the additional NPC companions and appearances we’ve added, and look forward to seeing some community shared themes in the community Discord!
Version 1.6.1
As usual, after posting a major update to AMM the 1.12 hotfix was released, so we had to go back to the drawingboard to redesign not only the new database, but the entire NPC spawning system. As a result, this hotfix has take significantly longer than usual. But the good news is that everything is working again, and we now know that humans can go for days without sleep and still manage to pull it together and get the job done.
We appreciate your patience during this time, would like to thank the wonderful members in our community Discord for their support, praise and support while we were fighting to get AMM compatible with the new CET. Without you, we probably would have given up many times, and for that we are most grateful.
The first time you load the mod it will build the database before it can be used. This process can take a few minutes, but it only needs to be done when there is an update or for a fresh install. This is because the database is provided by CET now as part of the 1.10.1 update and we have to populate it using scripts.
Version 1.6
This is our biggest release yet, and not just in terms of additional features and NPCs, but also in terms of the design and functionality of the mod itself. We have been working hard to migrate the appearance and NPC data to a new database system which will allow us to add many, many more additional NPCs and appearances, as well as access them more efficiently. The old system was fine to start with, but it quickly became clear that we will eventually be able to add almost every NPC in the game, and needed a system that was scalable and would not suffer performance issues with the amount of data we are going to need. Like most overgrown children, our first thought was to see what we could do with the new system that we couldn’t do in the old. That was when we saw in the request channel in our community Discord Aelius had requested a feature that would be perfect for testing the performance.
Introducing the Target Spawning System. Target an NPC and most of them will have a new button in the NPC tab called “Add to Spawnable Favourites”. This will search the database for a spawnable NPC companion that has that appearance, then adds them to favourites with that appearance selected as default. So the next time you see an NPC and think “I wish I could spawn them as a companion”, you can!
There are many more quality of life improvements including:
Search bar — find what you want more easily
Favorites reordering — Judy should be at the top or you’re doing it wrong
NPCs and Vehicles sorted alphabetically
Respawn All button and hotkey.
We have also added more appearances and spawnable NPCs bringing the total to 314, with 312 of those able to be spawned as companions, with over 7814 individual appearance options. Thanks database upgrade!
Version 1.5.5
For 1.5.5 we have added the ability to make spawned NPCs hostile!
Now you can spawn in a boss fight when required! Just what you need while you’re waiting a day for that call!
We have updated the despawning system, so now the NPCs will despawn without having to look away.
We have also added an Experimental/Fun Stuff setting. This will enable you to spawn AVs and other otherwise unavailable vehicles from the main story, as well as the ability to spawn the vehicularly-explosive version of Sandra Dorsett. Use at your own risk. Translated: This setting WILL KILL YOU at some stage!
We have also made some quality of life improvements such as saving all user settings to file and changing the menu to darken the NPC buttons when the spawn limit is reached.
Finally, we have included bug fixes for the pathing bug and the inactive button bugs.
As always we have also added a number of additional NPCs, including almost all of the community requested ones to date.
Version 1.5.3
This version is a hotfix release to fix the database related bugs introduced in 1.5.2. The Basilisk and mechs should once again be spawnable for all.
Version 1.5.2
For this version we have included a new Favorites system. We are aware that with all of the additional NPCs that we have added, it can be difficult to access your favorites in an efficient manner. To mitigate this, the new Favorites system allows you to set your beloved NPCs and Vehicles to a quick access list, making them easier to find. We have also added numerous additional NPCs as requested by the community. All NPC requests should be done using the GitHub page. We have also fixed some annoying bugs, such as the NPCs despawning when fighting NCPD, the despawn all button sometimes not working after a reload and the non-companion bug.
Version 1.5.1
With the recent release of the modding tools by CD PROJEKT RED, finding NPCs has become significantly easier so we have decided to add as many additional NPCs as we could in a day and release it as a point release in response. We have added new vehicles (NCPD as requested) and so many additional NPCs, there are far too many to mention. We sincerely hope you enjoy them as much as we do.
We would also like to take the opportunity to thank everyone who has downloaded and used our mod, and everyone that has posted bugs, feedback and requested NPCs. It is because of you that our mod has evolved into something that we are extremely proud of, and for those of you that have been playing with it since the first release (which seems like a lifetime ago), thank you for sharing the journey with us and for putting up with the occasional release craziness. We love you all 🙂
Version 1.5
For Version 1.5 we have added a Vehicle section to the Spawn menu so now you can spawn a driveable Militech Behemoth, Kazyk Zeya, two types of Kaukaz Bratsk and a Militech Basilisk! We have also added a new hotkey for the Clear Saved Appearance button for those of you using a controller. We have changed the way cycling appearances works when using hotkeys, so now they will only cycle back to the saved appearance after 8 seconds. Finally, we have added a plethora of new spawnable NPCs, including the gangs of Night City and numerous quest related named NPCs. And more mechs. You’re welcome!
Version 1.4.9
We have released a hotfix for the non-responsive companion bug. Be sure to download the latest version from the site if you are experiencing this bug.
Version 1.4.7
New in 1.4.7: JOHNNY is here! Unfortunately, he is unable to be converted into a companion at this time, but we are working hard to find a solution and hope to include him as a companion in a future update. For 1.4.7 we have also organised the spawnable NPCs into categories to make them easier to find. We have added a multitude of additional NPCs to spawn including Royce, Dum Dum and even a MECH! We have also added hotkeys for cycle and save appearance as requested by the community. Finally, we have added an Auto-Resizing toggle to the settings tab, which will disable the resizing feature and give you a fixed window size.
Version 1.4.6
Version 1.4.6 includes a number of bug fixes including the UI Scaling bug and Despawn list bug, as well as some feature suggestions. There is now a toggle in the Settings tab that will allow you to disable the AMM window opening when the CET overlay is made active, and we have updated the UI theme. We have also added numerous additional spawnable NPC Companions, as well as many additional NPCs to the full menu list such as some of the Moxies and the freaks.
NOTICE: It is advised that you don’t try to spawn an NPC next to their in-game counterpart as this can create problems with quests in some cases.
Version 1.4.3
For 1.4.3 we have added additional spawnable NPC Companions such as River, Takemura, Lizzy, Yorinobu and the JPop girls. We have also added a checkbox that can be deselected to spawn non-companion NPCs that will stay where you spawn them. Finally we have added a Force Despawn All button which will despawn all spawned NPCs at once.
Version 1.4.2
Updated and fixed for Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.1 and Cyber Engine Tweaks 1.9.2.
WARNING: This version requires Cyber Engine Tweaks 1.9.2+
Version 1.4
For version 1.4, we have added the ability to spawn NPCs as companions! Using the SpawnNPC tab, click on the desired NPC to spawn them where you stand. Once spawned, they will follow you around and help out in combat. To despawn, simply click on the NPC name in the “Select NPC to Despawn” section, then then next time you look away they will be gone. Special thanks to camtino for sharing with us his method for converting NPCs to followers.
WARNING: This version requires Cyber Engine Tweaks 1.8.4+
Version 1.3
New in version 1.3 is the ability to save appearances for NPCs! Now you can save your favourite NPC’s appearance, and every time you see them it will automatically change their appearance to your saved favourite.
We have also changed the vehicle system to set your vehicle’s saved favourite just by looking at it, so you no longer need to get into the vehicle to admire your favourite paint job.
We have also added a button to clear all saved appearances, which will delete your saved favourites allowing you to start again.
WARNING: This version will delete your saved vehicle favourites, as we needed to change the way we stored the favourites to allow for NPCs
Version 1.2.5
New in version 1.2.5 is the ability to SAVE! Now you can save your favourite vehicle appearance for each individual vehicle, and the next time you get into that vehicle after summoning, loading a save or restarting the game, it will automatically set the saved appearance to that vehicle.
Version 1.2
For version 1.2 we have added support for vehicles! Vehicles can be selected using the Vehicles tab.
All player spawned vehicles should have the full menu, as well as a number of random vehicles.
We have added two previously removed skins for Panam and Judy, by request.
We have also added many additional NPCs, so now the full menu should be available for most of Night City!
Version 1.1.1
For version 1.1.1 we have added support for Vortex Mod Manager. Special thanks to EdgeRunnder Cold for his video on Vortex compatibility.
Version 1.1
For Version 1.1, we have made several improvements in order to improve compatibility and quality of life.
We have changed the internal NPC ID system, which means it should now get the correct name from the NPC regardless of language.
We have also added the full menu for additional named NPCs such as Alt, Nancy, Henry and Hanako, as well as some of the other NPCs such as the tube dancers, and some of the other residents of Jig-Jig Street.
There is now a settings tab that allows you to change and save the keybind. Users having trouble with F4 also have the ability to manually change it.
FInally we have modified the user interface to auto-resize, so all of the names will now be fully visible, so it will be easier to select the desired appearance.