Auto QuickHack Upgrade

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Auto QuickHack Upgrade

REQUIRES Cyber Engine Tweaks –

Will automatically upgrade Quickhack components to next tier, at a ratio of 9x -> 1x, at the following limits:
Uncommon 350
Rare 300
Epic 250

So, for example, once you reach 359 (350 + 9) Uncommon Quickhack components, it will convert 9 Uncommon to 1 Rare Quickhack component.

This mod is heavily inspired by Auto Upgrading Crafting Components, just doing the same for Quickhack components to what that mod does for standard Crafting components. As such, I have kept the upgrade limits and upgrade ratio exactly the same as that mod.

Similarly again, to that mod, once you reach enough Epic and Legendary Quickhack components, it will stop converting. These limits are at:
Max Epic 400
Max Legendary 200

All of these values can be edited in the init.lua.

It’s a single file, so you can either extract the archive to your Cyberpunk directory, or use Vortex. Both will work fine.
No affect on save games, so enable/disable as you please.

It won’t convert while you are in combat.

Once you pick up any item, and immediately after combat, it will pause a little while (about 20 secs) before doing the conversion so that you can collect all the items in the local area. Predominantly, this is to stop spam in the CET console as it shows all the conversions in there.

Every time you pick up another item the timer will start again, but…

NB: money and ammo do NOT count as items as far as adding to inventory is concerned.

Advanced Options

You can turn off the pause, so it just converts on the fly. In order to do so, edit the init.lua so that:
useFullWait = true –> useFullWait = false

You can also change the number of items, before it starts converting them and the upgrade ratio (default: 9), by editing:
limitUncommon = 350
limitRare = 300
limitEpic = 250

upgRatio = 9

And, for the max limits:
maxEpic = 400
maxLegendary = 200

It will log the conversions to the CET console, and send a notification there when the mod is active. These can be turned off in init.lua, by changing the following to false.
showActiveMsg = true
showConvertMsg = true

If you turn off the ‘showConvertMsg’ you might as well turn off the ‘useFullWait’ too, as there would be no real point to it.

Author Notes
This is very much a continuation of the concept from Dehuman’s Auto Upgrading Crafting Components.

Anything that helps my addiction to gathering loot, keeps things relevant, but helps manage the pain of inventory management always feels like a good thing to me!

Author: Sensei
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Auto QuickHack Upgrade mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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