Basic first person FPP vehicle FOV
Does what it says on tin – increases vehicle FPP FOV to 86 and includes driving combat. Basically made this while waiting for Better Vehicle First Person mod to be updated ( https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/2202 ) as I really can’t stand the narrow FOV when weapon drawn. Sense of speed is weak with low FOV.
Increased FOV to 86 as highest setting before glitching.
Easy to change the FOV to what you prefer – REDMOD version just open the “fppcameraparamsets.tweak” file in text editor and replace the value 86 for float fov with what you prefer. four values on lines: 132, 153, 184, 222.
float fov = 86.f
Non redmod TWEAKXL version just change each of the four values from “86”.
Default FOV value is 51
DISCLAIMER – I am not a modder. I’m afraid support will essentiallly be non-existent. I have not tested it any more than what I’ve played, but literally ony tweaks 4 values..
It is redmod for now, as easiest to change for me. Feel free to make a tweak file from it – didn’t work for me for some reason..
Do as you please with this file regarding modifiying etc..