Beaten V
Beaten up body texture swap for female V.
Ever thought your V looked too good after getting into constant fights? Well look no further! With this simple texture swap, you can have your female V looking like you she actually took some damage!
Important info!
* Only for female V because male V has no beaten textures that already exist. Could possibly make them in the future but for now I just wanted to do a simple replacer.
* Tested with a few skin colors and shouldn’t matter.
* Censored version included for those that use it. (Couldn’t test this because my censor option isn’t there for some weird reason.)
* These should work with the game’s default tattoo options because the tattoos are just overlays of the body.
* These are NOT compatible with any other mods that change the textures of the body.
Examples of incompatible mods: Tattoo mods on the base body, HD body textures, etc.
Unzip the main file, find the body / clothing you want, and drag the .archive file into your patch folder.
\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
\GOGLibrary\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
\EpicLibrary\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
Just find the mod you want removed and delete it from the patch folder. Done!
* CDPR (Game files)
* Cyberpunk Modding Tools
* Cyberpunk2077 Modding discord