Better cascade shadows

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Better cascade shadows

Plain and simple INI tweak to adjust shadows distance and detalization with near to zero perfomance impact.

First of all, i want to thank stoker25 for uploading extracted INI settings – without this i’ve never know what to change.

This simple tweak allow to modify Cascade shadows distance in order to get more detailed shadows. More small objects will cast shadows on the distance. Perfomance impact is quite negligeable.

1. Go to CP 2077 install dir\engine\config\platform\pc.
2. Create a file named user.ini (or you can get any of .ini files in directory, copy and rename it, then past back under a new name).

3. Open your file, type or past:
CascadeRange0 = 12.000000
CascadeRange1 = 30.000000
CascadeRange2 = 75.000000
CascadeRange3 = 140.000000

4. Save file and start the game.

More than that: increasing CascadeRange3 from vanilla 100 to 140 (150) gives you a soft distant shadows, with smooth transition, instead of pixelated and jerky vanilla shadows. Look at the moving shadow on red building in the center of the screen.

All values in this file based on my personal preferences and a not mandatory – you can change them according to your taste, but remember: it’s a shadow maps with fixed resolution, so don’t stretch them too far (don’t use big values) – otherwise you loose details. Also, i highly recommend to use “High” Cascade map resolution in game options.

CascadeRange0 – the closest to player and most detailed shadow map.
CascadeRange1,2 and 3 – shadow maps for more far distances, accordingly.

In Files section you can find my own user.ini file.

If you want to modify distance only for most detailed shadow map, near to player, you can stop at CascadeRange0:

CascadeRange0 = 12.000000 (or 15.000000)

Original INI values are:
CascadeRange0 = 6.000000
CascadeRange1 = 20.000000
CascadeRange2 = 50.000000
CascadeRange3 = 100.000000

If you want to revert back to vanilla shadows, just delete user.ini file.

Author: Phenomenum
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Better cascade shadows mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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