Better Minimap
Finally a better minimap, the default one is utter trash isn’t it? Please let me know of you find bugs or if you have suggestions!
Different versions:
Better: Slightly bigger minimap overall, removes the border and compass and changes the zoom.
Zoom Only: Only alters the zoom values.
Zoom options (Most zoomed-in => Most zoomed out):
All zoom options have the same zooming values for on-foot view.
What changes between them is the vehicle zoom.
Simply extract the zip and put the .archive file inside these folders. If the “patch” folder doesn’t exist, create it yourself!
\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
\GOGLibrary\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
\EpicLibrary\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
How I made this:
Tools: CP2077Tools, 010 Editor
1) Extract the file from the game using CP2077Tools:
archive -e -p “path\to\your\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\content\basegame_4_gamedata.archive” -w *minimap.inkwidget
2) Open it with 010 Editor and apply the minimap.inkwidget template (credits to DemonRed#7944 on Discord) that you can find in the misc files:
3) Edit your values and then save:
From my testing this is what I gathered about the width / height options:
1 = Icon scaling
2 = Some kind of general background scaling
3 = Border size
4 = Nothing…?
5 = Actual minimap size
Maybe5 = Nothing again…?
4) Repack the file using CP2077Tools:
pack -p “path\to\your\folder”
Keep in mind that inside that folder the folder structure needs to be the same as it was originally in the game (base\gameplay\gui\widgets\minimap)