Better Netrunning – Hacking Reworked

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Better Netrunning – Hacking Reworked

This is a mod I have wanted ever since the game was first released. The hacking system in the 2018 gameplay reveal looked incredibly deep, so I was disappointed when I realized that the hacking in the release version amounted to watchdogs-style quickhacks and hacking access points for money. This mod attempts to add a bit more depth and challenge to the netrunner playstyle (and it even works most of the time!).

Core Changes:

Makes quickhacks disabled by default. To unlock them, you must perform a breach protocol on a device on the same network.
Allows all breach protocol daemons to be used on access points, rather than only the Datamine daemons.

Optional Changes (can toggle in script file):
Prevent using breach protocol quickhack on NPCs (enabled by default) OR only allow breach protocol quickhack on NPCs marked as “officers” (disabled by default)
Prevent using breach protocol quickhack on devices (enabled by default)
Prevent using disable/enable quickhack on cameras (enabled by default)
Prevent using disable/enable quickhack on turrets (enabled by default)

You now need to locate an access point in order to do any hacking at all. Any breach protocol daemons you want to use must be uploaded to an access point. With the default changes, the only way to disable cameras and turrets is with a daemon or by physically interacting with them.

These changes make for a very different but very enjoyable netrunning experience. At least while everything works…

The Issues
This mod is built off the surprisingly complex netrunning framework that CD Projekt RED created earlier in development, but ultimately disabled and left unfinished. There are some areas where the access points and devices are on a different network than the NPCs, and unfortunately I don’t have the tools to fix this right now. Additionally, NPCs and devices that are not on a network are permanently unhackable, which realistically makes sense but is limiting in terms of gameplay. This would not have been a problem originally due to the ability to connect your personal link or a monowire directly to NPCs. However, if the inability to hack these NPCs bothers you and you don’t want to wait for someone to figure out how to bring back the monowire, you can toggle the ability to run breach protocol on NPCs in the script configuration section.

I plan to continue updating this mod as I slowly dig through the base game scripts, and hopefully new/updated modding tools will allow for a more comprehensive overhaul in the future (things like reorganized/tiered networks and alternate hacking minigames).


Move the “r6” directory into your Cyberpunk 2077 game installation folder. This mod requires redscript –


Navigate to “[Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder]/r6/scripts” and open “betterNetrunning.reds” with the text editor of your choice. At the top of the file is a set of options that you can configure by setting true/false.

Author: finley243
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Better Netrunning – Hacking Reworked mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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