Biker Vest Without Sleeves
This mod removes the sleeves from the biker vest. For either male or female V, or both at the same time.
BikerVestNoSleeves_M.archive removes the sleeves for male V.
BikerVestNoSleeves_F.archive removes the sleeves for female V.
BikerVestNoSleeves_F_M.archive removes the sleeves for both.
Works for all variants of the vest.
Extract the .7z and place the archive(s) you want to use in the mod folder.
Default mod folder location:
Steam: C:\program files (86x)\steam\steamapps\common\cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
GOG: C:\program files (86x)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
If the mod folder does not exist you can simply create it.
To uninstall remove the archive(s) from the mod folder.