Black Widow Endgame Hair Color
Adds Black Widow’s hair color from Endgame to the world of cyberpunk!
Replaces ONE (1) swatch of your choosing with Black Widow’s Endgame hair color. Enjoy!
To replace your character’s hair color you need to know what number (1-24) of hair color you chose for V.
Place only one .archive inside the patch folder. Otherwise every NPC’s hair color will change.
Extract the .7z and put the .archive file inside these folders. If the “patch” folder doesn’t exist, create it yourself!
\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
\GOGLibrary\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
\EpicLibrary\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch
Delete the basegame_mod_HairColor_XZY.archive from Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch.
– More colors are coming soon– hair is going to be my main focus for modding CP77 at this time.
– You don’t have to start a new game for it to work.
– Replacing all hair colors could result in NPC having those hair colors.
– Tested on game version 1.06.