Casual Friday – Matching Short-shorts for Johnny and V

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Casual Friday – Matching Short-shorts for Johnny and V

Sometimes you just want to kick butt in some comfy shorts, and it’s a real shame to not be able to share that joyous experience with your bestie/brain parasite. So, now you can!

This mod works for all Vs, no matter their physical frame.

Be sure to read the directions below; this mod has a few moving pieces, so it’s important to pick up all the right parts, lest your Silverhand be left legless.

Shorts for Johnny – Styles/Versions:
Part A: Legs

basegame_JS_Shorts_Legs_Full(S) : Johnny’s legs, feet included. For use with the flip-flops or slides. Replaces his shoes.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Legs_Truncated(S) : Johnny’s legs, without feet. For use with the hightops, cowboy boots, socks, or slides w/ socks. Replaces his shoes.

Part B: Pants
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_CCShorts(P) : Shorts that say “Clap Clap” on the rear, for Johnny. Replaces his pants.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_DenimShorts(P) : Denim shorts for Johnny. Replaces his pants.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_EotSShorts(P) : Shorts that read “Enemy of the State” on the back, for Johnny. Replaces his pants.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_GWLMDShorts(P) : Shorts that say “God Won’t Let Me Die” on the butt, for Johnny. Replaces his pants.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shorts_VWLMDShorts(P) : Shorts that say “God Won’t Let Me Die” on the butt, however the word ‘god’ has been scribbled out and written over with “V”. For Johnny. Replaces his pants.

Part C: Footwear

basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_CowboyBoots(AH) : Cowboy boots for Johnny, yeehaw. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_FlipFlops(AH) : Flip-flops for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_Hightops(AH) : Hightop sneakers for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_Slides(AH) : Slides for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_SlideswSocks(AH) : Slides with sock for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.
basegame_JS_Shorts_Shoes_Socks(AH) : Slightly stained socks for Johnny. Replaces his armpit hair mesh.

Shorts for Johnny – Installation:

Pick one file each from Part A and Part B. This is mandatory. I would also recommend picking a file from Part C, or else Johnny will be left without footwear. You may swap files at any time, but you cannot have more than one file from each section installed at once.
Drop the appropriate .archive files into your mod folder. It should be located at Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod . If you don’t have this folder, you can just go ahead and make one.

Shorts for V – Styles/Versions:
All versions of the shorts for V are available as a replacer for either the small shorts [Use console command Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Shorts_02_old_02”,1)] or Johnny’s pants. This is indicated by either a (SS) or (JP) at the end of the filename, respectively.

basegame_V_Shorts_Shorts_EotSShorts(__) : Shorts that say “Enemy of the State” on the butt, for V.
basegame_V_Shorts_Shorts_GWLMDShorts(__) : Shorts that read “God Won’t Let Me Die” on the rear, for V.
basegame_V_Shorts_Shorts_JWLMDShorts(__) : Shorts that read “God Won’t Let Me Die” on the back, however the word ‘god’ has been scribbled out and been written over with ‘Johnny’. For V.
basegame_V_Shorts_Shorts_LTECShorts(__) : Shorts that say “Let Them Eat Cake” on the butt, for V.

Shorts for V – Installation:
Pick one set of shorts. You can swap the files at any time without issues, but you can only have one installed at once. This includes multiple slots – having shorts that replace the small shorts and shorts that replace Johnny’s pants for V in your game at the same time may flatline it due to how the file architecture is set up. Just pick one set of shorts for V at a time.
Drop the appropriate .archive file into your mod folder. It should be located at Cyberpunk 2077/archive/pc/mod . If you don’t have this folder, you can just go ahead and make one.

Uninstallation (Either/Both):
Delete the .archive files from your mod folder.

Thanks to rfuzzo for CP77 Tools, alphaZomega for the Noesis plugin, Halvkyrie for the modding guide, and just generally to everyone over in the Cyberpunk 2077 Modding discord for posting a whole bunch of fantastic tutorials and tips. Also, a round of thanks to my roommate for accidentally inspiring this mod, HarikaHalura for the ‘Clap Clap’ suggestion, and the-delicate-disaster over on Tumblr for the ‘Let Them Eat Cake’ suggestion.

Author: NoraLee
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Casual Friday – Matching Short-shorts for Johnny and V mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

Useful Information: How to install Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | How to Create Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date | Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements | About Cyberpunk 2077 Game | Cyberpunk 2077 News

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