Closer Car TPP Camera

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Closer Car TPP Camera

If you think that the camera is too far from V while in TPP and riding a 4W vehicle (car), then this mod is for you… This mod only affects the values of the camera while in TPP mode and in a car (there is a separate mod for altering the motorcycle values).

There are 4 default options of TPP camera angles while in a car, the closest to character is ‘LOW’ and ‘CLOSE’ but to me it never seemed TOO close.
There isn’t a mod that changes the position of the camera in relation to the character closer than default, figured out a way to do that. This mod gives 2 options to have the camera closer to character, cycle between these options pressing the ‘Cycle Camera’ key (default Q).

There are several vehicle types and each have their specific values. My mod edits all of these values so if you personalize the CLOSE view on
one car it might look off with another. This mod is intended for those that switch between 1-2 cars, it will only have 2 cameras types for all cars. Some adjustment will be required.


DROP the folder in the Cyber Engine Tweaks plugin folder:
\Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\

To personalize these values to your liking,
My settings maybe be too close for some, you can edit these values below:
1.- Open the console in game (default)
2.- Edit the below inputs to your liking.
2.1.- Your changes will save on each input edit.
2.2.- Hover over each input for more information on the setting (and to see default values as reference).
3.- After done with changes, close console and get on a car (or get off the car then on the car again, the change will ONLY happen AFTER you get on the car)

My file will change all 4 camera types while in a car, you can cycle between options pressing ‘Cycle Camera’ key (Default Q).

just delete the folder.

-Find a way to update camera in real-time (no more having to exit/enter bike).

Author: Alexblah
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Closer Car TPP Camera mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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