Cyber Monster Set
So, doing a separate page for this mod, in case it might turn into a repository for more male only badassness.
What this is:
A piece of cyber badassery.
What it includes:
Cyber body, legs, face, neck, amorings and such. Includes a version with some nice furnace glow, and one without because the glow isn’t perfect.
Requires some cyberarm mod, i suggest Arasaka Cyberarms
pick a version (glow or no glow) and drop in archive/pc/patch as usual. Open console to get the items you have to equip, strings detailed in the txt included.
Issues and disclaimers:
This mod is in its experimental version, and will be incompatible with a lot of stuff, everything that replaces or touches body files, except cyberarm mods. Also, you pretty much won’t be able to wear any torso clothing, but why would you, you want to show your chrome even if it has clearly seen better days. You do need pants tho.