Dance Off
Adds the option to dance with someone at club dance floors. Judy, Panam, River, Kerry, Jackie, Reed, Alex, Johnny, and So Mi are all potential choices.
Adds the option to dance with someone at club dance floors.
Potential dancers:
Judy, Panam, River, Kerry, Jackie, Reed, Alex, Johnny, and So Mi
Totentanz, Riot, Empathy, 7th Hell, and the Heavy Hearts Club
When can I dance with them?
You can dance with them if you are on friendly terms with them and if they are alive.
Some examples:
Jackie in act 1
Kerry after the yacht
Reed after the Black Sapphire
Alex after the optional meet/hang at The Moth
Johnny after he’s decided he doesn’t want you dead (diner with Takemura)
Unzip the main zip into “Cyberpunk 2077” folder so that the .archive and .archive.xl files end up in the “Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod” folder
Do I need Phantom Liberty?
Only if you want to be able to access The Heavy Hearts Club’s dancefloor, or have Reed/Alex/So Mi as options.
The mod will/should function just fine without the expansion installed.
Make sure you save outside any of the dance floors
And then delete the DanceOff.archive file from the “Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod” folder.
DanceOff.archive.xl can then be deleted too
How to “use” the mod?
Simply visit any of the listed dance floors and choose the “Dance with someone” option
Picking any of the available options will result in V transitioning over to a spot where they’re dancing with the person. Moving (WASD) will end it, the same as vanilla.
V dancing alone still happens whereever the choice is made, no teleporting.
I do NOT know exactly how the game will react if you saved inside a dancefloorbefore installing this mod.
I recommend going outside and coming back in before using the mod on any such saves.
If you have an issue with the Empathy dancefloor not working, this might be a vanilla game issue (it seemed to be for me):
You can “fix” it by installing Immersive Bartenders and then talking to the barman (it will reenable to dancefloor)
11 new options lines added for all supported game languages and instances of “Dance” should be correct, but I haven’t properly localised the rest of the lines yet – so it works for all languages, even if parts show in English
Compatibility risks:
This mod is fully compatible with Immersive Bartenders, which is already updated to not conflict (some of the bartenders are very close to the dancefloor and have shared logic to prevent animation issues)
I’ve done my best to position V and their partner(s) in places that won’t intersect with NPCs, but can’t guarantee they are all 100% clear atm
Big Male characters (Reed, River, Jackie) don’t technically have their own dance animations, they are using Average Male ones, so they may look odd in some small cases.
There are ~4 dances that the partner randomly picks from when they start dancing, 3 are great, one is kind of lame/shy, it is also the one that looks worst on the Big Male characters. If I can ID it properly I might disable it in future.
Some positions are further away than others, I might narrow some of the gaps if it makes it look/feel better.
If anyone finds any bugs beyond what’s listed in in Issues/Limitations, please let me know on the bugs tab!