Darkside’s Militech Heavy Machine Gun Spawn Script

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Darkside’s Militech Heavy Machine Gun Spawn Script

A simple dofile LUA Script that Spawns a Militech Heavy Machine Gun with 300 explosive rounds directly in to your hands. This weapon is normally pick up only (can not be placed in inventory) and now you can have one any time you get the itch for heavy fire power.

This simple Lua Spawns a Militech Heavy Machine Gun with 300 explosive rounds directly in to your hands. This weapon is normally pick up only & can not be placed in your inventory like a normal weapon in game. But now you can have one any time you get the itch for heavy fire power.

this mod requires Cyber Engine Tweaks by Yamashi

place in your Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods folder or whatever Do file mod folder you use.

bring up Cyber Engine Tweaks command console and type the following command
dofile(“plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods/spawn heavy machine gun.lua”)


if your using a mod that has a “do file” folder for quick execution simply place the LUA file in there
and your good to use that mod to activate the script.

file contains LUA and a read me with what ive stated above. EnJoy……… Darkside1227

link to my Modded New Game Plus Files. These files are packed with legendary weapons, armor, mods. max stats, perks, attributes. weapons and armor with modded values, full cyberware, money ect. all from the very beginning before your first time meeting Jackie. (usually save begins just after character creation with 0% progression). there are even Alternate Start files available….. be a Corpo but start on the nomads life path or a Street kid who’s infiltrated the Corporate ranks.

Author: Darkside1227
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Darkside’s Militech Heavy Machine Gun Spawn Script mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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