E3 Visual Overhaul ReShade

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

E3 Visual Overhaul ReShade

Love the E3 colors but tired of how washed out the game looks? Look no further.

I finally feel like I’ve completed the look that I had in my head for how this game should look. It started off from my favorite reshade preset I’ve tried, Cyberrunner and added/tweaked from there. I don’t know if thats frowned upon or not allowed or whatever since its my first preset, but you should really try that one too. I started tweaking, then got obsessed, then switched to an E3 LUT and fell in love with the colors, but felt like it needed more, so this is the result.

For the E3 LUT, you can of course use the original E3 2018 Lighting MOD, however I’m using ZAJ’s Bioengineering Mod’s weather presets, which contains many vanilla or E3 LUT options for different weathers and optional intensities, which completely change the game. Keep in mind that this preset was pretty much formed around cloudy/rainy weather, so bright sunny daytime might be too bright for some, still working on it. I can’t really speak much on the performance hit, I’m sure it hits fps more than some presets on here. I’m running 4K max settings with a 3090 and it isn’t noticeable to me that much, maybe remove the Clarity.fx filters for better performance.

Download the latest reshadeand install, choose all packages on install (I wish I could tell you which you need and which you don’t, but I still don’t really understand sharing a preset lol)

Drag “e3_visual_overhaul.ini” into your Cyberpunk 2077 directory (Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64) then choose the preset from the drop down menu when you launch the game.

Feel free to tweak it more and/or share what you think might help, still a fresh preset and I’ll probably keep tweaking it the more I play.

Author: noxide
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 E3 Visual Overhaul ReShade mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

Useful Information: How to install Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | How to Create Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date | Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements | About Cyberpunk 2077 Game | Cyberpunk 2077 News

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