EDSF Plus Cart91 walkdodge
EDSF control scheme + contributions from Cart91 and other past authors.
This is the first time I have been frustrated enough to try and mod files and it worked out well enough for me to want to share it to help others.
i stood on the shoulders of those who came before me to make this https://www.cyberpunk2077mod.com/walk-dodge-cruise-mousebutton4-config/ and https://www.cyberpunk2077mod.com/no-moar-double-tapping/ respectively.
EDSF will be your movement keys, I have switched the (Use) key from F -> T
For what its worth everything that was assigned to T -> A, and the assignments for E and W just switched places using replace all in the editor.
I included ALT being walk forward and canceling double tap dodge from previous authors, The only change i made is that dodge is now Mouse5 not Mouse4.
The previous authors did a better job documenting what changes were made and where so check out their descriptions if something is messed up.