Emo Gloves for Male V

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Emo Gloves for Male V

Remember when these gloves were fashionable? There’s even one color with stripes, classic! Your male V will love these!


CET command: Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Tech_02_basic_01”, 1)

1. Choose one of the color variants from the downloaded archive (they all don’t work at the same time, you can only use one file!)
2. Copypaste it into the game “mod” folder. If it doesn’t exist, just create it in your “pc” folder.
Examples of the correct file paths (it may vary depending on where you installed the game, the most important part is “archive/pc/mod”):

\GOGLibrary\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
\EpicLibrary\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod

3. Launch the game and get the item it replaces. You can either buy it from a clothing vendor, or spawn it with Cyber Engine Tweaks console with the command I shared above.


Delete the file from the folder.

I’m a beginner modder, so please be patient with any unexpected bugs, thank you in advance

Known bugs:
– not visible in first person, it would probably be solved if I swapped these with a jacket or a shirt instead of a face item, but I don’t want to do it
– in V swaps through Appearance Mod Menu the mesh is f*cked up when I zoom out too much – dunno how to fix it, I have the same problem with my friend’s mods, too
– might clip with some items, use it with short sleeved shirts

Author: Porg
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Emo Gloves for Male V mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

Useful Information: How to install Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | How to Create Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date | Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements | About Cyberpunk 2077 Game | Cyberpunk 2077 News

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