Female V – Minimum Main Story Completed

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Female V – Minimum Main Story Completed

A save file with a variety of settings that I felt was optimal for someone who completed the main story, but wanted to explore new builds in side jobs/gigs, at a point in the main story where you can go straight to the secret ending to test the build’s limits.

1. Minimum completion of main story missions right before meeting Hanako at Embers to trigger the point of no return.
2. Almost all side jobs/gigs “discovered”, meaning minimum telephone calls received while playing.
3. Level 50 corpo female V with all attribute points available, but no skills leveled up. Level 30 variant included for those who want to experience growth with their builds, as I usually do.
4. All iconics upgraded to legendary except the ones obtained during missions like Divided We Stand, Skippy, etc.
5. All cars unlocked. I would recommend not completing the mission to pick up your car, which triggers the Delamain missions.
6. Takemura saved for Devil ending, secret ending enabled regardless of YOLO percent.
7. Most cyberdecks/cyberware/mods unlocked, but resetting the level and attributes will require you to manually adjust the equipment to match your build based on attribute requirements on the cyberware.
8. Also refunds the 7 attribute points you have at character creation.

Note: Not all the fast travel locations are discovered simply because I use mods to teleport to points of interest. I also know for a fact I may have failed a few side missions just by teleporting to them and teleporting out to trigger all of the phone calls at once. I’m still confident though that the number of missions no longer available because of this is less than 5, which I felt was fine enough to still share.

Author: iCheekz
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Female V – Minimum Main Story Completed mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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