FS19 Quest Mod

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

FS19 Quest Mod

A simple Quest Mod, with 120 quests for now (WIP).
This mod is heavily WIP. Lots of things may not work as intended.

This is my first mod ever. Be indulgent.
(and I’m French with imperfect English, so sorry for the grammar)

A simple Quest Mod with 120 quests for now, (40 of each type)
Requires Cyber Engine Tweaks,

3 types of Contract:
– Kill Contract (G to a specific location, kill the spawned NPC ) (WIP, killing the NPC has no effect on finishing the contract, works like an explore contract for now until I fix it)
– Escort Contract (Take a target from a start location and escort him to an end location)
– Explore Contract (Go to a specific location, very cool way to explore the city)

You choose a type of Contract, then you need to complete it.
You will be rewarded with money only, for now.

For now , things that dont work:
– NPCs in Kill Contract missions are not hostile. (I can’t find the correct Command)
– Killed NPCs are not taken into account for finishing Kill Contracts (I can’t find a way to count and target the dead bodies)
– NPCs spawn close to the the player. I expect to find a way to spawn them close to the player but like Agression Mission (in a small group, doing some activity)

– Generate more quests (hope 1000 one day, create areason to play more of the game)
– Generate quests starting from proper place (maelstrom zone providing provide maelstrom NPC, etc..)
– add other types of quests (find an item, trade quest)
– add scripted quest (in a far future, now I don’t know how to make it work in LUA)
– Create Gang Quest (like a territory war. Chose a Faction and the more quests you do for that faction, the more points you earn)
Working :
– Escort Contracts
– Explore Contracts

Author: donk7413
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 FS19 Quest Mod mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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