Gameplay Patches
Fixes perk traits, 1 cyberware mod “Cataresist”, and the armor mod “Deadeye”!
Please note this mod is still under heavy development! Please be aware this mod has been tested and confirmed working on version 1.11 of Cyberpunk 2077 it may or may not work on older versions!
Also BIG thanks to psiberx helped me a lot during development, and giving permission to use his mod.lua file.
If you did not know most perk traits (the final perk in any skill tree) break after loading your gamesave. This mod fixes that.
You can see a list of all the broken perks, items, cyberware in the game here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16w3LQBa8oRxQLIEVcXfLE1_vlAFO_zjq-WrKQoixgRQ/edit#gid=1844679720
What this mod currently does:
Fixes all perk traits (final perk in any skill tree) such as “Merciles” and “Master Ram Liberator”
Fixes the cyberware mod: “Cataresist”
Fixed the armor mod: “Deadeye” (DOES NOT STACK WITH BULLY AND FORTUNA!!!)
I plan on adding many more bug fixes soon. My highest priority as of now is fixing armor and cyberware mods.
Once in-game assign a hotkey to the mod, and press the hotkey. The patch will be applied.
You’ll have to press the hotkey again every time you load your gamesave.