Goro Takemura New Clothes
It’s my first Mod release. There is not much to say about it except that my intention was to have a few more outfits for him .
At the moment it’s just this one, but I’m planning to add more .
Put the archive file in the mod folder of the game – \Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch/mod
if you do not have a ‘mod’ folder, create one
Remove the archive from the mods folder or just put an “x” behind the “.archive”
Example : “Goro_new_Clothes.archiveX” to deactivate the mod
Tools used:
010 Editor
Big Thanks to:
alphaZomega for the Noesis plugin and 010 template
Rfuzzo and the Wolvenkit Team for CP77Tools
The Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Discord for their amazing tutorials
Aanderz/86maylin/IslandDancer/ Halvkyrie for help and answering questions i had
The Creators for the Appearance Menu Mod
Note :
The Body texture isn’t include in this mod