Hair and color changer in game v1.21

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Hair and color changer in game v1.21

As of right now this does not work with hats.
I have only tested this on the Steam version of the game.
Also wanted to note when CDPR decides to update the game again these Memory Address could change, meaning I will have to find them all again.
Cyberpunk Save location C:\Users\Trix\Saved Games\CD Projekt Red

Big shout out to OtisInf for helping to contribute to the tables and to Sunbeam for making the Lua script to find the Hashes OtisInf added Scars Female, Makeup lips Female, Cheeks Female, Face tattoo Female.

Ver. 1.15
Added female skin color and finger nails. The skin color was in 3 different spots so you will have to hit the drop down and change all of the to the same color
or not do what you want, lol.

Note if you don’t see like a labeled Value where you are trying to change your character it might over right something. So lets say you are looking for piercings you pick cyberware if you have it on or no cyberware if you don’t, then click female (have not made this for male yet) and you will see Piercings. Ok click on it and expand it out one of these option should have a labeled value for you and that is the one you use. The reason for this when a attribute is turned off like scars it removes that memory address but the pointer is still pointing to that location so that spot could be face tattoos now so that why I have to make multiple pointer options. Sorry if this sounds confusing its late, lol. I posted a pic of what this looks like. It might be best to make a character with everything on them and if you didn’t want something on them later we could just flip that memory locations to zero’s to remove it.

ver. 1.06 Added male Cyberware

Ver. 1.04
Added Eye color, so some of the eye colors pull different memory addresses with different beard color and cyberware so you might see the Array of bytes instead of the color number. It will take forever to go through each beard color and female cyberware to get every single address right now, but for the most part it looks like you can change to any eye color. Also I think some of the addresses might have change with Cyberpunk 2077 patch 1.06, but my pointers seem to be still pulling the correct memory addresses so that is good. Dont forget to back up saves before using. This one took a while and I was almost done getting all the eye arrays when the Patch 1.06 popped up, was going to freak out if all my pointers was broke, lol. Probably going to take a break for a little bit after this.

Ver. 1.03
Update the list to reflect Female Cyberware, but I noticed different addresses that looked like the same Female cyberware couldn’t tell what it was changing. Remember to back up your saves.

ver. 1.02
Updated were you can change your beard and beard color now, didn’t realize there was 56 different ones.
It looks like the beard color is pointing to Cyberware on females, I will have to update the list later.

I am using cheat engine (you will have to install cheat engine for this to work) to change the hair style and color in game, took a lot of new games to get all the addresses, lol. On hairstyles I just named the drop down list to relate to this mod in the pictures so download the pictures over there male and female. So now users should not have to use a hex editor to change hair anymore in their save files. I want to see what else i can add to this cheat table like eyes, beards and whatever I can find in the addresses. I think why you can do can do this in game is because of the way it is switching models in game when riding a vehicle or going into photo mode it refreshes what the new addresses was updated too (just a guess though). I made a video so you can see what exactly it does and how to use it. Also I upload a hair color pic that is number to match the drop down in the cheat table. MAKE sure you back up your save file just in case I have not had any issues but you never know.

Author: trixthetrixter
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