Healing System Rework
Healing items can be exploited in this game by just crafting a bunch of them and constantly spamming them. This mod changes that.
I’ve given healing items a cooldown, changed some stats, made most of their stats customizable, and I’ve also listed the default values for the stats in the file.
List of changes:
Bounce Back and Maxdoc have a 30 second cooldown. This cooldown is shared for the whole slot, i.e., no more spamming.
Bounce Back’s duration has been reduced to 15 seconds.
Bounce Back Mk.3 has been reduced to 5% health per second.
Maxdoc has been reduced to 40%, 55%, and 70% health.
What you can customize:
Cooldown length for all. All healing items have the same cooldown.
Bounce Back duration for all. They all have the same duration.
Bounce Back initial heal for each. For each rarity, you can customize how much the initial heal is.
Bounce Back health per second for each. For each rarity, you can customize how much the health per second is.
Maxdoc heal for each. For each rarity, you can customize how much the heal is.
An important note: I wouldn’t recommend installing this until after the prologue, as that very first car chase fight with the scavs you kind of need to spam healing items again and again. It’s not impossible to beat this fight if you can kill the scavs, but it’ll be pretty hard.
Extract and drop bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\Healing System Rework into Cyberpunk 2077 folder.
Remove bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\Healing System Rework into Cyberpunk 2077 folder.