Immersive Rippers – Dogtown
Adds a little immersion to the Dogtown rippers such that you now sit in their chairs to get work done. This is for Dogtown rippers only, Night City’s rippers have their own mod, as does Vik who has his very own mod.
Unzip the main zip into “Cyberpunk 2077” folder so that the .archive ends up in the “Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod” folder
Reccomend you save away from a Ripper (+100m should be plenty)
And then delete the ImmersiveRippersDogtown.archive file from the “Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod” folder.
How to “use” the mod?
Simply visit any Ripper and talk to them about getting some work done.
I do NOT know exactly how the game will react if you saved inside any of the clinics before installing this mod.
I recommend going outside and coming back in before using the mod on any such saves.
All used lines are pre-exisiting in the game so should be automatically localised.
Compatibility risks:
The mod edits a small number of world sectors, but they are small/limited and shouldn’t conflict with other mods.
Some rippers may still be in their original positions when first visiting them after installing the mod, they will move when you first sit down, and should then stay in the new/correct position from then on.
If anyone finds any bugs beyond what’s listed in in Issues/Limitations, please let me know on the bug stab!