Indestructible Vehicles (Visual Only)
Disables vehicle destruction physics for all vehicles in the game… Cars can still be destroyed, they just will never take visible damage (you will see the smoke and fire still before a car explodes, and the car will change to it’s destroyed appearance after the explosion)… Should help with FPS drops while crashing vehicles on lower-end PCs…
Note: Video is from another mod, but showcases this mod pretty well so just reused it… Combine this with my No Car Crash Particle FX mod if you want to also disable crash particles (like in the video)… Also, the header image/screenshot includes the optional “Yellow Tint” version of my Full Screen Vignette mod…
Make sure you have “TweakXL” and it’s requirement (“red4ext”)
Extract to main CP77 install folder
Delete the “000_Indestructible_Cars” folder from your [CP77>r6>tweaks] folder
Potential Conflicts:
Will definitely conflict with my No Detachable Vehicle Parts Mod, so if you have that you should uninstall it before installing this (this does the same thing but better anyway)…
May potentially conflict with some handling mods (though it shouldn’t)…
Why Visual Only? Why not fully indestructible?
It breaks things… Mainly vehicular combat in quests (and probably would break the rumored upcoming vehicular combat in 1.7 or with the DLC, if that comes)… I might make a version that does this at some point, but it’s a lot of files to edit, so if I do it’s not going to be real soon (unless I find a simpler way of doing it)…
This actually might make vehicles indestructible from car crashes already… In my testing so far, I haven’t gotten a vehicle to explode just by crashing it and I’ve continually crashed the same vehicle for 10+ minutes straight in some tests…So far I’ve only been able to destroy them by shooting or throwing grenades at them…