Is Cyberpunk 2077 an FPS?

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Is Cyberpunk 2077 an FPS?

In part, yes. We were a bit surprised when we saw the first Cyberpunk 2077 gameplay demo, which revealed that combat centers around first-person shooting. We expected guns—of course there are guns—but we were envisioning a third-person action game, maybe more like Dishonored.

That said, V’s combat style looks pretty malleable. In the 2018 demo she was an agile cyberninja. She could run and slide to cover and also trigger a slow motion bullet-time mode. She also had a quick dash that let her burst in a specific direction. When bullet-time and this dash were combined, she could quickly flank enemies and deliver fatal killshots.

But here are some other cyberware upgrades and tools we’re aware of:

  • A Kiroshi Optical Implant that lets you zoom in on objects and also analyze the environment, seeing enemy levels and getting detailed information about them.
  • A Subdermal Grip which increases gun damage.
  • An implant that let V ricochet bullets around corners to kill enemies behind cover.
  • Mantis-like sword arms.
  • Remote control robots.

At one point in the first demo we saw, V sneaked up on an enemy and put them in a chokehold. From there, she could hack into that person’s cyberware and access data about them, some of which is just for lore. If enemies are connected together by a network, though, a bunch of new options open up. In this instance, V hacked one enemy’s gun to make it stop working without him realizing. She killed the person she had put in a chokehold and then attacked the two remaining bad guys. As she finished off one, the other tried shooting only to realize his gun was jammed. His confusion created an opening for V to get in close and finish him off.

Shooting will be a good way to get rid of people, but it’s not Doom—you have other options.

Author: Steven Messner, Tyler Wilde
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Useful Information: How to install Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | How to Create Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date | Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements | About Cyberpunk 2077 Game | Cyberpunk 2077 News

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