Kerry’s Neck Cyberware for Male V
Kerry’s neck cyberware with multiple color and combo options. Replaces seamfix.
Made in collaboration with chemtryals (model work)! Original idea by Gorefiend on discord, recolors done by me.
Replaces seamfix, so it will conflict with any mod that also replaces it. Only for Male V.
How to use
You MUST install both a neck and a lines file, there’s a special option for both that will make each invisible if you are just interested in either the lines or the cyberware. If you don’t install both the mod won’t work properly.
1. Pick the archive options you want and place them in *:\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod
2. Create the folder if you don’t have one.
To uninstall, simply erase the mod from the folder or move it somewhere else for safekeeping.
Additional info
Sometimes the color might not show up correctly, or parts that are supposed to be hidden show up (say, you just want cyberware and not lines, but lines showed up), reload your savegame. You might need to reload a couple of times (I had to while taking the pics, idk why the game doesn’t load them sometimes).
It might clip a bit depending on neck option, or go over cyberware (like cyberarms). Probably clips over certain clothing, haven’t checked.
THESE WON’T AFFECT KERRY, if you are worried about that.