Luxury JoyToy Outfit for femme V
Few different color/material variations of luxury joytoy outfit, one from Dark Matter.
Every file name is self explanatory and can be previewed in images section.
Use one file at moment, not all of them. Put chosen file into yours ..\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod folder.
If you have no mod folder, create it.
Instructions of what items to equip from CET console:
Boots – take off your shoes
Shorts – [Duolayer Military Camo Shorts] – CET command: Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Shorts_04_old_03”,1)
Shirt – [Spiked Maelstrom Short-Sleeve Jacket] – CET command: Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Jacket_08_old_01”,1)
Sunglasses – [Gold Punk Aviators with Coated Glass] – CET command: Game.AddToInventory(“Items.Glasses_01_basic_03”,1)
Cyberware’s and necklace – [Durable Hardened Syn-Cotton T-Shirt] – CET command: Game.AddToInventory(“Items.TShirt_02_old_03”,1)
Hairstyle – Use CyberCAT Save Editor and set style to 01
Maybe will be more of these variations, but this is one big maybe and cannot promise anything, enjoy.
Note (not related with uploaded files): On picture below, there is (almost) default luxury joytoy outfit (except of boots, different color). Unfortunately, I will not upload this here cause I already uploaded this to #discord-exclusives on our favorite server. However, you always can get it on Discord.