Male Nomad badass armor
This Nomad V is level 50, maxed attributes, a few legendary weapons and all legendary armor.
Start at the Afterlife before getting the quest to see Panam for the first time as a level 50.
This V has a legendary Comrade’s Hammer (this pistol is all that you need) and two other legendary crafted weapons.
V has all legendary armor and max mod slots with Armadillo mods.
Most cyberware and cyberware mods are legendary.
I have played this V myself and with the recent changes to the game, this gear is too good to not share… so enjoy. This save gets ya past some of the mundane parts right to the action.
Two of the pics are using Change Your Favorite Cars mod by dimasnik in case you would like those to match, great mod, easy to install and they look great.
Unzip the file, it is listed as ManualSave-222
Add this save to your save file… typically located at the same drive as windows or C:/Users/(yourusername)/Saved Games/CD Projekt Red/Cyberpunk 2077
Note: If you have a ManualSave-222 already in your saved games you can renumber this save file to whatever you like. Start your game and load this save and enjoy.