McLaren Senna v2.0
A car add-on that brings the McLaren Senna to Night City.
– ArchiveXL
– Cyber Engine Tweaks
– RED4ext
– redscript
– TweakXL
– Virtual Car Dealer
– Download the main file version A or B and unzip anywhere in your computer. Move the files in your game folder ‘Cyberpunk 2077’.
– To add the spoiler and/or change the color, you also unzip the files and move them in your game folder. Ver. A and B both have a slate color by default.
*To remove the spoiler, delete the ‘!!!___senna_spoiler.archive’ file inside of archive/mod.
*If you have installed a new color paint and want the default slate one again, then delete ‘!!!___senna_exterior_color.archive’
*Download the optional handling/tuning file if you don’t like the original feel of the car or if you want to customize the handling yourself by tweaking the values inside the mclaren_senna.yaml file in r6/tweaks. Install the main file ver. A or B again in order to revert back to the default handling.
Console Command:
Game.GetVehicleSystem():EnablePlayerVehicle(‘Vehicle.mclaren_senna’, true, false)