Oda Boss Fight Character Swaps
This mod swaps Oda out for another character.
Wanna see Johnny Silverhand with super bright red mantis blades?
Well too bad, you’re going to anyway.
Basically, this mod swaps out Oda’s appearances with ones of another character!
Currently, I have only swapped a few characters but will add more if people want. It also depends on how many appearances the other character has, if they’ve only got 1 or 2 they’ll be invisible in certain scenes.
Johnny Silverhand.
Melissa Rory.
Goro Takemura.
Adam Smasher.
1. Find what .archive you want. For example, if you want Melissa Rory you’ll get (basegame_MelissaBossSwap.archive).
2. Open up your patch folder. (YOURDRIVE:\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch) If you don’t have a patch folder, just make a new folder and call it patch.
3. Drag or extract the .archive file into your patch folder.
4. Open Cyberpunk 2077 and load a save that has Oda somewhere.