Optical Camo Bug Fixes

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Optical Camo Bug Fixes

Fixes two bugs/strangeness with optical camo to make all three versions (rare, epic legendary) actually hide you from enemies (in stealth) and make you harder to hit because of evasion (in combat).

Change 1: Rare and Epic Optical Camo will make you invisible to enemies (when not in combat), just like Legendary version.

There’s a couple of bugs with Optical Camo. The obvious one is that Rare and Epic versions seem to have no effect on enemies detecting you, while the Legendary version works fine. I’ve tested and found no difference in yellow or red detection time from enemies with Rare and Epic. Looking into the game files and records, all three versions grant a “Cloak” effect, but Legendary additionally has a “PerfectCloak” effect which makes you invisible.

I’m not sure if CDPR’s intention is that Legendary hides you completely and Rare and Epic do nothing (so not a bug), or if Rare and Epic are supposed to just increase detection time but it’s bugged. I think most players expect it to hide them completely for 5/10/15 seconds, so that’s what this mod does – it gives all three the “PerfectCloak” effect. I think it’s still decently balanced because of the different durations.

Change 2: Legendary Optical Camo makes you harder to hit in combat (increased evasion works), just like Rare and Epic versions.

This is definitely a bug and a bit harder to notice since the items don’t even say what they actually do. All three versions of Optical Camo increase your evasion stat (Rare +33, Epic +66, Legendary +100). You can see the change in the stats menu page (click on armor) when the camo is active. For me my evasion goes from 2 to 37 with Rare on, instead of the 35 I would expect, but we can’t see how the final stat is calculated.

Evasion makes enemy bullets miss you more often. Unmodded, the stat increases for all three versions, but Evasion is broken when Legendary Camo is active. You can see it work easily with Epic version, as the incoming damage rate from enemies goes down quite a bit. With Legendary active, you actually get hit a bit more (haha). The problem is that the entire part of the hit calculation that factors in the evasion stat (actually deciding the trajectories of bullets) is skipped if you are invisible (from “PerfectCloak”).

So the fix for this is just to not skip that part of the code when you are invisible.

IMPORTANT: This mod depends on redscript (0.4+) and Cyber Engine Tweaks. Download and install them first!
To install this mod, extract the zip file into the Cyberpunk 2077 installation folder (the mod files go to “Cyberpunk 2077/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/mods/OpticalCamoFix/” and “Cyberpunk 2077/r6/scripts/OpticalCamoFix.reds”).

Author: RMK
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