Panam’s Jacket
This mod replaces the spiked jacket with Panam’s jacket for female V. An alternative file is available with removed sleeves. Some clipping will occur around the neck in many photomode poses, as well as the torso in some of the more extreme poses. The neck also clips a bit in some poses in the inventory screen, this is the result of a deliberate choice to remove some distracting clipping in first person.
Replaces the spiked jacket
The normal fix inverts the green and red channels of the jacket’s normal map. This makes it appear correct on the jacket in this mod, but incorrect on the jacket of the actual Panam. I added it as an optional file so it is easily removable during Panam’s quests if it bothers you too much. All images were taken using this fix, see images for a comparison.
Go to your install folder, navigate to \Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\patch and paste the basegame_ModName.archive file here.
If the patch folder does not exist create it.
Default game install location for steam is C:\program files (86x)\steam\steamapps\common\cyberpunk 2077\
Default game install location for GOG is C:\program files (86x)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Cyberpunk 2077\
To uninstall:
remove the basegame_ModName.archive file from the \patch folder.
Not compatible with other mods that change the same item. Only one of these mods will be loaded in-game.
Tools used
010 Editor
Thanks to
alphaZomega for the Noesis plugin and 010 template
Rfuzzo and the Wolvenkit Team for CP77Tools
The Cyberpunk 2077 Modding Discord for their amazing tutorials