Phantom Liberty exclusive items
Phantom Liberty exclusive items:
* NUS Infiltrator clothing items (headgear, jacket, pants, boots)
* Yasha smart sniper rifle
* Chesapeake smart submachine gun
* Redbone power shotgun
* Chinook power assault rifle
* Catahoula tech pistol
* Pit Bull power assault rifle
* Foxhound tech sniper rifle
As stated by the official Cyberpunk 2077 Twitter (now X) account and Phantom Liberty marketing video:
– “Nothing changed. Cyberpunk 2077 is a single player game with zero microtransactions. One single purchase. No tricks. Don’t believe the clickbait.” @CyberpunkGame
– “No microtransactions” @CyberpunkGame
– “We don’t do DLCs. And when we do, we give’em away” @Idris Elba, main actor of the expansion
I’m extremely glad for CDPR’s stance on microtransactions, and I’m absolutely delighted that they never implemented them in any form whatsoever, such as Twitch subs or Amazon Prime Gaming rewards, especially in a single-player game.
What does this mod do
Not much. It simply gives the above items, which are already available in your local game files but are locked behind a paywall, either in terms of time or money.
– Requires Phantom Liberty expansion.
– Requires Cyber Engine Tweaks (CET).
Install Cyber Engine Tweaks, then extract the content of the .7z file into the main “Cyberpunk 2077” folder.
The final install path should look like:
“Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\ExclusiveItems\init.lua”
Launch the game, open CET console, bind the mod, and finally press the key before checking your inventory.
Remove the “Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods\ExclusiveItems” folder.