Player Underwear Removal Extended Redscript 4 Game 2.x

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Player Underwear Removal Extended Redscript 4 Game 2.x

This is a redscript version of my CET Underwear Removal Extended mod for the game v2.0+ only.

Supports all game modes – a Player body nude patch.

this mod can expose nudity which may be not appropriate for some audience, especially minors.
Please do not use it if you find it unacceptable or it’s prohibited in your territory or society.

Please make sure to install correct requirements!

Please note that the garment system has changed in game version 2.0.
If you find that you cannot unequip a garment piece or a wardrobe set when loading old game saves, this is most likely a game issue.
I had to delete all my wardrobe sets and create new ones to make it work properly, even in a clean game install without mods.

Also, if you load an old game save and remove pants (or some other legs-covering piece), you may still see the pants when you look down at yourself.
The easy remedy for this is to equip other pants and then remove them – this will update the garment state to the new game version, and it will work normally from now on.

– Unlike the CET Underwear Removal Extended, there is no option to switch the mod on/off while playing.
– However, this mod respects the game’s nudity censorship option so you can turn it off if you would like to keep the underwear in place.
– Currently, it does not support the Panam in Panzer romance scene (though there is not much to miss there).
– What this means is that the mod will not “tell” the game to “enhance” the male player character in the scene to appear more masculine so to speak. While this is technically possible, it would necessitate adding even more requirements. This, in turn, would further complicate an already complex requirement configuration for just a few video frames in the entire game.

Known issues:
Nothing outstanding has been noted so far, although there may be some minor bugs that have not surfaced on my end yet.
Please note that this is all new with the game v2, so there is a lot that remains unknown.

Compatibility Info:
Game v2.0+ ONLY!
DO NOT USE IT with previous game versions.

There are two editions with different requirements sets – please make sure to select the edition that matches your preferences and install the mandatory requirements. The requirements are detailed below.

If you install incorrect edition, the redscript will fail to compile scripts at startup.
You can fix it by downloading correct edition and installing it over the other one.

Please note that the standalone edition is the main download file for the Vortex manager.

This redscript edition is compatible with the updated CET edition – if you install both, the CET edition will detect it and deactivate itself.

This mod respects the nudity censorship user settings.
If you have it enabled in the game’s settings, this mod will stay on the sidelines.

This mod follows the game design and does not change anything in the design; it simply makes the game flip some hidden switches.
It should work fine with other mods as long as they follow the game design compatibility rules and do not reverse the mod changes.
If you encounter any oddities while using it with other mods on a supported game version, please contact the author of the other mod to fix it.

Combining this mod with permanent underwear replacer/removal mods (archive type files) may affect its functionality, as this approach is no longer compatible starting with the game v1.6 (actually it never was – it was just a partial workaround).
Other garment archive type mods may also affect it if they use outdated methods, as the game version 1.6 and then 2.0 changed the behavior of the whole player garment system.

If you combine it with other mods that change the player appearance, it will most likely work fine unless the other mods modify game properties that affect this mod’s outcome, especially if they work against the game design (e.g. trick the game about the Legs garment state or use equipment slots reserved for the underwear or incorrectly use game’s internal visual tags, etc).
This is especially true for some so-called “gear hide” mods that are not properly updated to the game v1.6 and later behavior or some player body or garment mods that don’t fully conform to the player system model in the game.

If you combine it with redscript mods that redesign the game framework methods my mod uses, it may be affected by the changes, and there is nothing I can do about it as there is no way to learn it, let alone deal with it.

Mandatory requirements:

The standalone edition:
Requires redscript
Requires cybercmd OR RED4ext Please select one of the two as together they may cause issues.
If you choose the cybercmd, make sure to install the standalone version if you don’t have Cyber Engine Tweaks installed.

The Codeware edition:
Requires redscript
Requires Codeware AND RED4ext Please install both as Codeware does not work without the RED4ext.

Please note I don’t provide support for the required modding platforms or plugins.
If you find any issue with the requirements please contact their vendors.

Issue reporting:
If you experience some unexpected mod functionality on the supported game and requirement versions please first verify it with all other mods disabled (with the exception for the required scripting platforms) before reporting.
The mods types that may affect this one functionality typically are:

– archive mods in the \Cyberpunk 2077\r6\archive\pc\mod folder
– the redscript mod files in the \Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts folder
– the CET mod files in the \Cyberpunk 2077\bin\x64\plugins\cyber_engine_tweaks\mods folder
– REDmod mods in the \Cyberpunk 2077\mods folder

Please note 99% of issues come from incorrect or incomplete requirements configuration, incompatible mods, corrupted data in game saves, unhealthy game install base or corrupted mod install.

Install or update:
Please make sure do download correct requirements!


– download the zip file and extract
– drop the extracted “bin” folder into “[your game provider install folder]\Cyberpunk 2077” folder. Allow to overwrite files if asked.

– remove the folder:
“[your game provider install folder]\Cyberpunk 2077\r6\scripts\player_underwear_removal_extended”

Author: anygoodname
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Player Underwear Removal Extended Redscript 4 Game 2.x mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

Useful Information: How to install Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | How to Create Cyberpunk 2077 Mods | Cyberpunk 2077 Release Date | Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements | About Cyberpunk 2077 Game | Cyberpunk 2077 News

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