Quadra Type 66 Hoon Handling Adjustment

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Quadra Type 66 Hoon Handling Adjustment

Adjustment to the Quadra Type 66 Hoon via Erok’s Cyber Vehicle Overhaul.

I’ve adjusted the engine power, transmission, tire friction, gearing, and other handling related attributes.
I based a number of the values off of Ken Block’s 965 FORD MUSTANG HOONICORN RTR Version 2, which the Type 66 Hoon is a tribute to.
Details can be found in the lua file if you want more info.

I used the Quadra Javelina module from CVO as a base and adjusted the values from there. I’ve left the structure and format of the file intact to make it easier for anyone to further adjust the car to their liking.

Also, I drive with a gamepad and not mouse and keyboard so this setup might feel as good on keyboard and mouse.

Drop into your …\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077\ folder

I’ll list out the values I’ve messed with the most and kinda what I think they do. Most of them seemed pretty self explanatory, so these are just my best guesses.

MaxTorque : Its the torque. How hard the engine turns your wheels.
FrontFrictionLateralMult : The side to side friction of your front tires.
FrontFricitionLongitudinal : The front to back friction of your front tires.
RearFrictionLateralMult : The side to side friction of your rear tires.
RearFricitionLongitudinal : The front to back friction of your rear tires. This one is probably one of the more important attributes when increasing the torque. Too little and your tires will spin too much preventing you from accelerating for a dead stop as quickly. It will also prevent you from regaining control when you spin out. Too much and you won’t be able to drift as easily at low speeds but you will increased acceleration control and responsiveness. I tend to increase this by a good amount on vehicles I don’t drift with, allowing me to increase the engine power for higher top speeds.
MaxTurnDegrees : How far your front wheels can turn left of right. I’ve set it to 38 here because 38 degree is the steering angle for Hoonicorn IRL. If your feeling understeer increase this.
TotalMass : No idea if its pounds or kilograms and how it affects handling. The higher it is the easier it is to bulldoze through NPC vehicles. Similar to MaxTurnDegrees, I used approximate IRL values. There is probably a more optimal value for gameplay
gearsTorqueMult, gearsMinSpeed, gearsMaxSpeed, gearsMinRPM, gearsMaxRPM : Transmission stats which affects the car’s transmission. I’ve currently have it setup so that the lower gears are a tad slower and shorter to make it easier to drift within the city. The top three gear are disproportionality longer than the bottom three, allowing for higher top speeds and a constant gradual increase in speed on long stretches of road. Also 6 gears because IRL specs.

Author: Rroguey
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