Reduced Charge Time for Tech Weapons

Cyberpunk 2077 Mods |

Reduced Charge Time for Tech Weapons

Changes the max charge time for all Tech weapons to 1 second (half second version also available)… This was done by editing the base stats file that controls every tech weapon… Just a single line TweakDB edit…


Updated to v1.1: Now only affects player weapons, not NPCs…lol… The old version is available as an optional download if you’d like it to affect NPC weapons also… Also a half second version is in the optional files (2 versions now, one that affects Players only and one that affects NPCs and Players)…

New “Update” file that allows you to charge to 100% without any perks or other in-game modifiers (this may not work properly… I need to start a new game and give myself a tech weapon to test since I already have all the perks for it on my saves… I’ll get around to it eventually (within the next few days)… Unless someone does in the comments first…

Make sure you have “TweakXL” and it’s requirement (“red4ext”)…
Extract to main CP77 install folder

Delete the “XSecond_Charge_XXXXX” folder from your [CP77>r6>tweaks] folder

Shouldn’t conflict with any other mods unless they also adjust Charge time for tech weapons

Note: I have not tested every tech weapon… It should work for all of them, but it’s possible that some use a different string for their values… Just let me know if you find a gun it doesn’t work for (or if it works too well for one) and I’ll try to add it in/fix it… Also, if there are any guns that normally take less than 1 second to charge (I haven’t used them much, so not really sure if there are any), they’ll still function as normal… I didn’t change the minimum time, only the maximum…

Author: cire420siuol
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The Cyberpunk 2077 mods offer a wide variety of free options to enhance and customize your game, making it more engaging and efficient. Download this Cyberpunk 2077 Reduced Charge Time for Tech Weapons mod and, with no download limits, explore different options to upgrade your game and stay ahead by continually improving your gameplay experience.

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