Romance Hangouts Enhanced v2.0

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Romance Hangouts Enhanced v2.0

A collection of quality-of-life updates and changes for the patch 2.1 Romance Hangouts Feature(s). This is an ongoing/wip project, starting with repeatable cuddle actions.

A collection of quality-of-life updates and changes for the patch 2.1 Romance Hangouts Feature(s)
Released early so that I can get more testing and feedback (bug reports and comments) as well as to give people some already requested features

0.9.0 features:
– Partners no longer suspend (stop answering the phone or recognising V at their homes) as soon as they message you:
They now suspend when you reply and direct them to an apartment
– Non-base game relationships (FemV+Kerry, MascV+River, etc) are now accounted for in the messaging logic:
– In the base game, if you romanced both the ‘base’ options, then it seems other romances wouldn’t have the opportunity to message.
– V now uses the Dance Floor dance, rather than the slow one from The Moth (H10 and The Glen in 0.6.0)
– V can now Stroke Hair, Caress Cheek, and Kiss, Panam and Judy repeatedly on the sofa (H10, The Glen, Corpo Plaza, and Japantown, in 0.9.0)
– Fixes the incorrect camera restrictions after kissing Panam or Judy on the sofa (H10, The Glen, and Corpo Plaza, in 0.8.0)
– V can now Touch Chest, Touch Thigh, and Kiss, River and Kerry repeatedly on the sofa (H10, The Glen, Corpo Plaza, and Japantown, in 0.9.0)
– Non-Canon partners (mV+Judy/River and fV+Panam/Kerry) now play correctly for sofa/cuddle animations (All apartments in 0.7.5)

Upcoming features:
– Apply the above features to the other apartments
– Look into adding TV watching as a better supported cuddle activity (Partner looks at the TV, V can change channels etc)
– Tweak the camera DoF bounds when cuddling on sofas (to better see the TV when not looking at the partner etc)
– Try to add a better transition into the new dancing animation
– Have the new dancing animation as an option: So you pick slow/fast
– Fixes for placeholder subtitles for some lines when having a Non-Canon partner visiting

Unpack the .zip file into the “Cyberpunk 2077” folder so that the RomanceHangoutsEnhanced.archive file end up in the “Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod” folder.

Simply delete the RomanceHangoutsEnhanced.archive file from the “Cyberpunk 2077\archive\pc\mod” folder.

How to “use” the mod?
Simply play as normal, these are (currently) just fixes/upgrades to existing features

I do not know exactly how it will react to saves made while already cuddling (If you have modded your game to be able to save anywhere)

All game languages supported and shouldbe correct, as I simply took the existing lines but deleted the non [Action] prompt parts

If you choose to reply to the partners message(s) while near them, they will ‘suspend’ and stop responding to you then and there.
They have to suspend somewhere! One of this mods features simply pushes that suspension to answering the text(s) rather than getting them (and potentially ignoring them for a while)

If anyone finds any bugs beyond what’s listed in in Issues/Limitations, please let me know!

Author: Deceptious
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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