Scene Scanner
This isn’t meant for regular game play
This mod will start/stop recording with a hotkey, then save all the ray cast hits in a file. A c# app will then use the point cloud to generate 3D faces
The output of that can them be loaded into pretty much any 3D tool (blender, unity)
My reason for creating this is so I can make little testers in unity. This tool will be used to export an area, then import the polygon data into unity
Someone that is working on spawning objects to make a boss room or other quest scene may find a tool like this helpful. Export a scene, import into blender, then try adding in placeholder objects
There’s definitely room for improvement with the c# app. I stopped at convex polygons (it’s good enough for what I need, and I want to move on to something else)
Concave polygons would really help in some cases. Especially with scaffolding structures
Another way to improve would be detecting faces that should be joined into a single mesh, then extending the polygons to make a single mesh